Hosting a Dedicated Server


1. Install SteamCMD


Extract to the folder you would like to install SteamCMD and Blade Symphony.

2. Install Blade Symphony Dedicated Server

Open a command prompt, navigate to the folder you extracted SteamCMD into, and run:

steamcmd +login [username] [password] +app_update 228780 validate

Blade Symphony will be installed into “SteamApps/common/Blade Symphony”

3. Launch a Blade Symphony Dedicated Server

Edit the berimbau/cfg/server.cfg file in the Blade Symphony folder.  Change the server name, RCON password, and other settings.

Open a command prompt, navigate to the Blade Symphony folder, and run:

srcds.exe -console +maxplayers 16 +map duel_winter


We recommend using 32-bit Ubuntu Linux.  While it is possible to use other distributions or 64-bit, we have tested and written instructions for Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit.

1. Install SteamCMD


Extract to the directory you would like to install SteamCMD and Blade Symphony.

2. Install Blade Symphony Dedicated Server

Open a command prompt, navigate to the directory you extracted SteamCMD into, and run:

STEAMEXE=steamcmd ./ +login anonymous +app_update 228780 validate

Blade Symphony will be installed into “SteamApps/common/Blade Symphony”

3. Launch a Blade Symphony Dedicated Server

Edit the berimbau/cfg/server.cfg file in the Blade Symphony directory.  Change the server name, RCON password, and other settings.

Open a command prompt, navigate to the Blade Symphony directory, and run:

sh +maxplayers 16 +map duel_winter

Additional Information

Valve’s documentation for SteamCMD can be found at

If you followed the instructions above and ran the server once already you should have come across the file ‘server.cfg’ which is located in the directory ‘berimbau/cfg/’ and adjusted the console variable (cvar) ‘rcon_password’ accordingly.
There are further cvars available that allow you to customize your server, we will explain a few important ones here:

  • hostname: The name of your server which is visible to the players.
  • rcon_password: The password a player needs to provide if he wishes to run commands on your server remotely. You should make sure to replace this value with your own password!
  • sv_password: A password players need to provide when they want to join your server. Simply leave it empty if you want everybody be able to join.
  • mp_timelimit: The time in minutes until the game will attempt to do a map change. This timer may extend if there are duels running.
  • mapcyclefile: The file used to define which maps to cycle through automatically.